Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

120219 SS4 Singapore Press Conference [FANACC]

Leeteuk: The difference b/w SS3 & SS4 is that they have more movable and visually appealing stages. #SS4SG
Leeteuk: Every time they visit Sg they have a lot to see and would like to visit here for holiday. #SS4SG
Shindong: I would like to be ryeowook. He has a very clear voice and he’s been working out it’s something he envy. #SS4SG
Ryeowook: I want to be shindong as he’s good looking and he has a good appetite. #SS4SG
Sungmin: I would like to be kyuhyun as he has a good voice and he’s the youngest member. #SS4SG
Sungmin dresses a Marilyn Monroe as it was leeteuk’s recommendation. It turns out to have good responses. #SS4SG
When kyuhyun dressed as Steve Jobs, the fans gave him a nickname “Steve Jobs Gyu”. #SS4SG
Kyuhyun was dressed as Steve Jobs becuase he repects him and loves the brand. #SS4SG
Q: what was the most memorable moments from last night’s concert.
Leeteuk: When they performed ‘our love’, fans lighted up the stadium with white lights and he was very touched by that. #SS4SG
Regardless which country they perform in, they are always touched by the fan support. #SS4SG
Eunhyuk’s favourite song is Superman because it demonstrate the members feelings. #SS4SG
Despite the fact that they can’t visit SG as often leeteuk does not feel that this will end as he will come back for an awesome show #SS4SG
Leeteuk feels that the biggest difference is that the regions they visit for super show like Europe. #SS4SG
Super Junior would like to make this a successful year by completing their world tour. #SS4SG
As a group they always wish they would be a star where they give happiness to the fans through their songs. #SS4SG
Shared at sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by:Destinyhae 


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