Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Sungmin Blog Update: I am going to stay low!!!

Title: Ah… Both Sungjin and Mum said it is handsome…
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I have to try it before I get older…
Should I stop going online for a while..? ㅋ
If the meat (*from his body) drops a little… by a little… by a little…, it seems alright…
I want to go on a storm diet!
Saying that you will like everything no matter what it will be! This is a lie!!!
All liars!!!
Uploaded a picture and I am going to stay low!!!
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Source: Sungmin’s Blog
Korean to Chinese translation: 4inmin Sungmin bar
Chinese to English translation: yourblacksmile @
Shared at by: reneee

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