Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Super Junior’s Siwon is Dizzy over the Thought of His Fans

Super Junior’s Siwon is Dizzy over the Thought of His Fans
On March 30, Super Junior’s Siwon updated a rather amusing photo of him with the help of some photoshop. He tweeted the picture with the message, “Just the thought of going in front of you soon in a different style makes me dizzy. I’m absolutely happy ^^.”
In the photo, Siwon is making a big smile, staring up in the air with a playful expression across his face. He added some photoshop effects with animated birds flying above his head, completing his “dizzy in happiness” look.
Meanwhile, Super Junior is currently busy preparing for their upcoming concert in Paris, “Super Show 4.” The concert will be held on April 6 at Le Zenith de Paris in front of more 6,300 fans, making Super Junior the first K-Pop artist to hold a show there singlehandedly.

Source: Soompi (Original Source Siwon’s Twitter)
Shared at www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by : Melody

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