Sabtu, 28 April 2012

SS4 Indonesia with Super Junior

All Imaged,Reupload & Posted by:Destinyhae  (
Credit : @xKaesungx
Credit : @Coral_With_Ryeowook

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Reupload and Posted by: Destinyhae (

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photo by Coral_With_Ryeowook
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Reupload and Posted by: Destinyhae (

cr @IndonesiawantSJ
AAAAAAAAAA o_O [cr SJSCall_ID] kalah tuh gara2 suit kkk disemprot deh XD


120428 Super Show 4 #SS4INA #Eunhyuk


Ini pas sungmin moto2 kemarin. dia moto2in ELF dan dia dokumentasiin waktu wook selca di polaroid fans [cr coral_with_ryeowook]
[cr siwonzone]
cr The Ocean


SS4 INA day 1 - KYUTEEEE!!! [cr MyDearYesung]
DONGEEEEEEE!!!!!! :33 [cr haemeimei]
[cr loveinvainsm]
SS4 INA day 1 - sungmin bawa2 bendera korea ^^ so cuteee while kyu waving use balloon :D [cr loveinvainsm]

[cr xKaesungx]
ey ey eeeeeeey ayo nak jangan main mulu, makan duluuuu >< [cr xKaesungx]


[cr Monkey-fish]
[cr Sayumi]
ming use blangkon
 [cr coral_with_ryeowook]
 [cr ChanomTho]
[cr Shirley]

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