Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

The Complete Guide to Online Sales Support for SJ’s 6jib

EDIT: I will add tutorials ASAP!

Please download the album on July 1st (Sunday).
I heard that some people were going to stream on Sunday and start downloading on Monday, but please do not do that.
These days, the music industry is very fast moving. If the album doesn’t get noticed on the first day, it’s out.
Please aim for number one for all music charts and to be listed as must download song.
If even the fans do not download, then we are doomed.
Just think that it was fortunate that it is released on Sunday, when you don’t have to go to school or work and start downloading on Sunday.
Those that still are confused about streaming!!
Streaming can be defined in one sentence.
“Sign up, and listen to the song from beginning to end at least once a day with the designated player.”
Rest, you don’t have to think about.
Is this difficult? It’s not, right?
For those that still think that it is hard,d it is because of the rumors that have spread for many years that have not even been confirmed.
These guides are based on the answers given by the 5 music websites.

Korean version made by 싫어

Please spread these to all SUPER JUNIOR fansites, cafes, blogs etc that are supporting Super Junior’s 6th album.
Source: sj-market.comTranslated by Jee (@jeee54) at sup3rjunior.com

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