Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Shindong shows affection for Beatles Code 2 by designing the uniforms.

Super Junior’s Shindong participated in the making of Mnet Beatles Code 2′s uniform.
Shindong designed the outfit to suit the coming summer season. He showed his affection for Bealtes Code 2 before by promising to lose weight for the rise of the ratings, but once again he showed his affection by designing the constumes.
Shindong has been carefully watching the clothes that he had worn on many stages  and recently has learned how to sew. Also, he showed his talent by providing the marine-look idea for the show’s new costumes.
To this, Shindong said, “I am honored to be able to help in the making of the costumes that all the MCs will wear. Stay tuned for the new Beatles Code 2 that will soon come near you,” once again showing his infinite affection for the show.

Source: enews24 
Translated by Jee (@jeee54) at sup3rjunior.com

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