Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Kim Heechul selected as the ‘prettiest’ male idol


Super Junior‘s Kim Heechul was selected as the “prettiest” male idol by netizens.
Recently, the results of  an online poll asking voters to choose which male idol they thought was prettier than the average female were revealed.
Although Kim Heechul was up against a lot of other attractive, “flower boy” contenders, he was still able to come out on top.
Heechul was up against other beautiful celebrities, such as Shin HyesungJYJ‘s Kim JaejoongKim Hyun JoongYoo Ho SukLee Hongki, LJang Geun Suk, and SHINee‘s Taemin.
Netizens who saw the results of the poll commented, “There are so many male celebrities who are prettier than girls,” “Do girls have to be jealous of boys now?” and “Of course Kim Heechul, he gets prettier every time I see him.

Source & Image: TVReport via Naver &  allkpop
Shared at sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by: HyukHae

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